Nude Nicotine’s Quality Guarantee

Nude Nicotine guarantees the quality of nicotine bases and salts with a full money-back guarantee for wholesalers and DIYers – we are committed to the highest level of customer service for anyone purchasing our products! Nude Nicotine will guarantee the integrity of our formulation during shipping  to ensure your optimal enjoyment of our nicotine bases and salts. While Nude Nicotine products contain nicotine, and are prone to oxidation if improperly stored, we will work tirelessly to ensure the appropriate transit is employed to get our products to you safely, quickly, and without delay. (If you have questions as how to best extend the shelf life of you Nude Nicotine products upon arrival, please don’t hesitate to get in touch).

Nude Nicotine will also guarantee the timely arrival of shipments within its control. Unless otherwise noted, our staff will manufacture/process your order for shipping in less than 3 business days, ship the product in tested & secure packaging with a guarantee against spillage/leakage, and will be available to assist in tracking or final-line issues if they ever arise. We are wholly committed to making your experience with our laboratory of the highest caliber – both enjoyable and informative! This guarantee is our promise to treat you with the utmost care and respect, regardless of whether you use these products personally, or formulate for others in a business environment.

You deserve a big thank you from all of us at the Nude Nicotine laboratory (not only for reading our quality guarantee, but for being the best part of the Nude Nicotine family – our customer and “field-chemist!” We appreciate you!


Warmest regards,
The Nude Nicotine team
(858) 216-2044

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